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Forum Posts

Jeffrey Boyd
Jun 07, 2024
In General Maintenance
I heard from a few clients and potential clients saying they really didnt care for the small part of the Nano that isnt painted. I decided to explore a wrap solution and it turned out very good IMO. I had an installer do it and he said 3M 2080 wrap is better so i will redo it working directly with him vs going thru the company. 12ft by 12" he said he could do it all in 1 shot with no seams. He recommended going gloss finish as it hides defects better, the pics below is a dull finish. If you go this route use a fine grit sandpaper and knocks down the rough parts. The below pic is the lower quality wrap i only got 5" wide so it has a seam. I am waiting for a price quote from a company the installer recommended, i will add a comment on cost once i get it. Guessing 100 to 150.00 dollars
Nano vinyl wrap content media
Jeffrey Boyd
Mar 06, 2024
In NANO General Discussion
Dale heading to the airport with his Nano in his toy hauler with camera keeping an eye on his Nano!
Toy hauler content media
Jeffrey Boyd
Dec 22, 2023
In NANO General Discussion
Gary from Henrietta TX is interested in possibly partnering up to get a Nano. His email is ''( contact him to discuss in near him.
Jeffrey Boyd
Oct 31, 2023
In NANO In The News
Jeffrey Boyd
Oct 22, 2023
In General Maintenance
For awhile now I have been hearing a clicking noise that started very faint and over time it got louder and more frequent. It happened going forward or pushing it backwards. I have changed my brakes out for dual piston version and was thought maybe that somehow started this with the combination of a bent disc. That was ruled out, then maybe it was because of all the traveling I do any maybe bent something. During this last event the clicking was so loud I thought the wheel was going to fall off. At this point all fun stopped and wasnt going to move until things were figured out. Turns out both inner and outer bearings were bad, inside super bad, outer just bad. Google and amazon to the rescue, ordered 10 replacements, cheap like 15 bucks. Replaced the 2 and the clicking noise is gone! I have an early Nano and I am not sure if I have the same rims as everyone else so that is the reason I didnt provide more bearing details. The bearing has or should have some numbers stamped on it, google that and u should find them easy enough. I believe mine were 16100 2RS just so you have an idea what to look for. So, if you hear a clicking noise around the mains, this is a good place to start.
Jeffrey Boyd
Sep 27, 2023
In For Sale
Brand new, never been flown except for original test flights in Poland, still needs to be assembled, color is red. Located in Massachusetts / 01890 zip code Please contact Michael @
Jeffrey Boyd
Sep 02, 2023
In NANO General Discussion
Learned something new....Had a client turn off the main power switch while the engine was running. The next time he went out the FlyFocus unit wasn't working. He investigated and found the board in back had an issue. If the engine is running, always shut that down first.
Shutdown procedure (engine first, main power switch last) content media
Jeffrey Boyd
May 24, 2023
In For Sale
Dale had a cover made for his Nano to be used for travel in an open trailer. This cover has straps, zippers etc to keep it in place. He was clocking 70mph for a 2hours and had no issues. This covers the engine as well. 1300.00 Island Custom Covers Port Aransas, TX. 78373 Ask for Cobey (361.416.1443)
Travel cover (open trailer) content media
Jeffrey Boyd
May 24, 2023
In For Sale
I had a dust cover made, pretty fitted and looks great. It has a few velcro straps on the bottom and 3 ties in the back to keep it all in place. The rotor blade covers are 3 pieces, 1 for each blade and then a piece that cover the rotor head and side and velcros to the blade covers. It is waterproof. The lady said it will lay better once out in the sun some, this was just out of the bag. Please email me if you would like to place an order ( or 300.00 for the Nano cover 300.00 for blade covers 30.00 for carry bag with draw string 20.00 for shipping in the US (can ship outside US just need to price it if an order is placed)
Dust Cover / Rotor blade covers content media
Jeffrey Boyd
Apr 01, 2023
In Hirth F23 Engine
Engine RPM 2000, engage red lever slowly until engine rpms drop down to 1300 to 1350 (engine sounds like it wants to quit) and stop engagement, let rotors catch up until around 85-95rpms and then you should be able to engage all the way down. Now you can slowly add throttle, at 100 RPM you can pull stick back to neutral and at 130rpm go full aft. around 2700 you should be seeing close/around 175rpm rotor rpms (do not exceed 3100 engine rpms). 175 rpm what I launch at as I am using a hard surface runway that is long and it is plenty. Following this technique will prevent the belt from slipping and heating up and melting the 3D printed part. PS - you should or will feel the stick pull right some, make sure you center stick before launching or you will drift right. This is what I am doing based on some discussion with Fusioncopter, please share your technique/experiences so we can all learn.
Jeffrey Boyd
Mar 27, 2023
In Training
During Bensen Days 2023, I let 2 CFI's fly my Nano to learn about it so if/when they train anyone they can point out the differences in the Nano .vs. what you are learning in. This is to hopefully make your first Nano flight easier and less stressful. I added them to the Maps page, both are fantastic pilots/guys. Corey Kirkwood out of Foley, Al (near Pensacola) ( Herbie Lewis out of Stuart, FL (251.697.5102) As I travel around, I hope to find other CFI's who might be interested in flying the Nano to get more familiar with it, I will add those CFI's to the list.
Jeffrey Boyd
Nov 20, 2022
In Hirth Engine Maintenance
The exhaust springs that come on the F23 you cannot safety wire which could cause them to fly thru your prop if they fail. Matt has springs available you can purchase that allow you to safety wire. They are 4.85 per spring + shipping (8 in total) part number 054.1. You can contact him at Matt at 419.585.7002 or ( If can order an exhaust spring tool off Amazon for cheap, I ordered: Motorcycle Exhaust Spring Hook, T Shaped Handle Exhaust Pipe Spring Puller Installer Hooks Tool with Rubber Coating for Motorcycle Vehicle Springs Removal, Installation, Adjustment (1pcs) : Automotive
Jeffrey Boyd
Oct 07, 2022
In NANO General Discussion
The 2 pics below are from Nick's Nano, notice the rotor rpm sensor isn't fully perpendicular, we believe this caused the top of the sensor to shear off. There should be a 1mm gap and it will have a blue tip (not shown below). When you get your Nano, please double-check this to be safe, would be a good idea to check during preflight. I had a spare and it's on its way to Nick already.
Rotor RPM sensor content media
Jeffrey Boyd
May 14, 2022
In Hirth F23 Engine
I did my first flight today and it went well, was nervous but the Nano took care of me. The takeoff was about 4 out of 10, things happen so fast, it is pretty amazing. The landing was about 8 out of 10, floated down like a butterfly. I didn't video this flight, I will video flights going forward, hoping tomorrow I can go again. I will still stay around the pattern and practice controlling my speed/altitudes better, I was pretty much a mess today. The control inputs needed are "very" light, way different from what I learned on where you had to horse the controls around, the Nano so much easier. The things I would recommend doing before flying your Nano: Practice w/o the blades on, get up to temp, apply brake and get up to 2500rpm and let brake go for 1 or 2 seconds to feel how fast it launches. My first 2 attempts stunk as I wasn't prepared for how quickly the Nano wants to go. Pedals - keep them straight/level - My first 2 attempts during prerotation I must have pushed a little left and didn't notice and when I let go, it darted to the left and freaked me out. The 2nd attempt was worse and I went into the grass then after talking with Lukas and Dale they guessed as to what I was doing and I agree with them. So....the last thing I do now before disengaging the rotor brake is to look at my feet to make sure I will launch straight....very important. Landing - right before touchdown, I also looked at my feet to make sure I was straight/level. Lukas mentioned with more flight time you will get a feel for it and it will just be automatic, I am clearly not to that point yet :) prerotation, have stick all the way back after 100-140rotor rpm (light wind 100, 10mph wind after 140 rotor rpm) This takes a lot of the weight off the front wheel, you can see the front kinda bouncing when stick is all the way back. This will help if you don't have your pedals level, just make it a point to always look at your feet before releasing brake. This might have saved my first 2 attempts. Clearly I am not an instructor and these are just a few things that I would have done before my first launch attempt. I will talk more about this in the next few flying videos in more detail. For the videos, if anyone has any suggestions on topics/ things you would like to know etc, please post or email me, I will do my best to cover them all in future flights that I record.
Jeffrey Boyd
May 13, 2022
In Hirth F23 Engine
I believe I ordered this measuring device off Amazon because it had a screw on lid which I thought was a good idea. It has an 8oz marking so I was using that and based on the 32 oz of Bluemax I was thinking I was going to get 4 uses per bottle / 20 gallons of fuel. After the first 2 8oz measurements it was pretty clear to me that I wasn't going to get 4 full 8oz servings. I went to Walmart and bought a small digital kitchen scale and zeroed with my measuring device on it and poured in until it read 8 "fluid" oz whatever that means and it was 9oz on my measuring device. I reached out to Matt (Semi retired Hirth guy) and asked if I was doing something wrong, the attached document is his write up on how he does it. I might try his marking of the bluemax bottle and see how that goes. He said the measuring device I am using is slightly higher mix than 80:1 which is fine by me, rather have a tad more .vs. not enough and damage the engine. I can say the Bluemax oil is pretty thick and not all pours out of my measuring device, even with a small rubber spatula I cannot get it all so I am guessing I am very close to the true 80:1 mark. Figured I would share the info.
Blue Max mixing info content media
Jeffrey Boyd
Apr 23, 2022
In NANO General Discussion
With the weather improving in Michigan I decided to figure out how to install the rotor blades by myself just in case....I had a Plan A and B and ended up getting it to work with D. The first blade was pretty easy, just taking my time not to force anything (learned my lesson). The 2nd blade more specifically the last bolt was by far the hardest. I purchased one of those roller things (can see in background of one of the pics below) but it wasn't tall enough for the last blade so I ended up using an adjustable ladder. The prerotator pumps are on the right so it leans over so I tied off the stick for the first blade to the left seat belt to keep the stick centered best as possible, then after first blade installed the stick is all the way forward and I used the left rudder pedal. Once I do this several more times I will get faster at it and could video if anyone thinks that will help. I think I can get it done in 20 minutes after a few more goes at it. Top pic is the first blade, 2nd pic is 2nd blade first bold (inside bolt first is easier IMO) then last pic is how high you need to get blade to align with last hole. DO NOT force, hammer, kick, punch bolts, with bolts greased up and aligned properly they WILL slide in easy, trust me. I had to keep adding height to ladder to get it just right, I will make something more elegant vs the bubble wrap, cover to rotor blades and a 2x2 to achieve the correct height. Hope this helps, post any questions or suggestions, I will do my best to answer.
Installing blades by yourself, doable!!! content media
Jeffrey Boyd
Apr 21, 2022
In Hirth F23 Engine
See attached, sorry for the delay
Jeffrey Boyd
Mar 21, 2022
In General Maintenance
My replacement bolt(s) from Fusioncopter are stuck in Germany, fedex delay....Fusioncopter provided me the details on bolt and I was able to find a supplier here in the states. below is website and part description/number in case anyone needs a replacement down the road. Please contact me first as I ordered 4 and Fusioncopter sent me 4 and I only need 1. Alloy Steel Shoulder Screws 10 mm Shoulder Diameter, 80 mm Shoulder Length, M8 x 1.25 mm Thread 92981A310 I should have tomorrow and will get hole drilled in bolts for safety pin at a machine shop. I hope to be in the air soon!
Jeffrey Boyd
Mar 08, 2022
In Hirth Engine Maintenance
See attached
Jeffrey Boyd
Mar 08, 2022
In Hirth Engine Maintenance
See attached

Jeffrey Boyd

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